Tuesday 17 May 2016

Please Donate to Kluang Stray Dog

狗狗的安乐窝靠你们了~~ Their home sweet home all depend on ur hands~~~ 占美流浪所的帆布裂开了,德教会流浪所被无情大雨把几间狗屋坍塌了,爱心美女一家大小与毛小孩被逼搬迁(因为管理层无情的LCM李先生多次的要举报市议会及无情的逼迫)。而我们却因为经济的负担尤其膳食及医药已经被压的喘不过气来了。。The canvas in Chamek's shelter is spliting, De Jiao Hui's temple dog houses are ruined due to heavy rain,a dog lover family was forced to shift due to ruthless Mr.LCM always want to report MPK n his eviction to them let them feel under the fear of living out there..bcoz of our heavy burden especially in feeding n medical expense already make us hard to breath..... 请大家把爱心化成金钱,能够慷慨解囊的帮我们渡过难关,好吗?否则,毛孩的命运真的无法想象的坎坷及义工们的煎熬。。。这条道路真的走的好辛苦,让大家的心都走到好累。。。。Hope everyone here can give ur helping hand n help us to solve the problems that are coming to us.....otherwise,their fate will become tougher n harder,,,,n make our volunteers heart become more tired...... 不管捐款多寡,即使是 Rm5,Rm10+++都好,积少成多起来将会是股强大的力量帮我们渡过难关。。 No matter how much u have donated,even just Rm5,Rm10+++ ,by its accumulation will be a big momentum to help us overcome all the circumstancces... 我们已经找到了一块地,却真的没有能力。。。。帮毛小孩建立家园,给它们一个遮风挡雨的安乐窝,一个健康的环境下成长。。。 We had found a land but no ability.....to help furkids to build a shelter or giving them a healthy environment of living ..... 有意赞助者,可以汇款至 : Those who is interested to sponsor can kindly bank into: Maybank 马来西亚银行:5510-6131-3224 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Penyelamatan Haiwan Kluang) 或 Public Bank(319-875-0121) ******************************** (Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Penyelamatan Haiwan Kluang ) 在此感谢善心人士! Kluang Stray Dog Home 居銮流浪狗的家 Kluang Johor Stray Dog Home 柔佛居銮毛孩之家

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