Tuesday 18 February 2014

Getaway to Phuket... Patong Beach

Patong is the most famous beach resort on Phuket. With its wide variety of activities and nightlife, Patong is an ideal place to party and play. By night the town has a bustling nightlife which includes literally hundreds of restaurants, beer bars, GoGo Bars and of course discos. The nightlife is centred around Soi Bangla (Bangla Road) however there are quiet parts of town. Visitors hoping for a glimpse into the exotic East might not find it here, though the steaming hot streets, neon lights and chaotic atmosphere of Patong can be overwhelming for the new arrival. The key to full enjoyment of the place is to pace yourself, drink lots of water and learn the meaning of 'mai pen rai' - which translates roughly to 'It doesn't matter' or 'Don't worry, be happy'. and on a side note.. would advise to rent a scooter for $12 a day to take u around phuket than walking!! Enjoy!

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